Making with Code

The Terminal: Reloaded #

This lab will re-explore one of our most important and most used tools: the Terminal. The Terminal is what we use to navigate our filesystem, run code files, install software, and do all kinds of other tasks.

The last time you ventured into the Terminal, you came away with treasure! It’s time to dive back into the sea and see what’s hiding.

[0] Setup #

🌐 Github Repo:

💻 Enter the Poetry Shell. Remember, we run this command at the start of each lab, but only when we are inside a lab folder.

poetry shell
👾 💬 Exiting the poetry shell

When you want to exit the shell, you can type exit or ^D

[1] Adventure #

💻 Now take a look at what's in the repository: ls

kitchen    poetry.lock	pyproject.toml is a runnable Python file (you can tell by the .py at the end). provides some useful functions that are utilized in this adventure, and poetry.lock and pyproject.toml can be ignored.

💻 Run to see what happens! You will end this lab by successfully making a sandwich! Explore the corners of the kitchen to find the necessary supplies.

Terminal Commands #

Below are some Terminal commands which might come in handy on your adventure.

    Command                                                 What it does
ls List what’s in the current directory.
cd ~ Go to your home directory
cd somewhere Go to somewhere
cd .. Go to the parent directory
open file.txt Opens file.txt with its default program
cat file.txt Prints out the contents of file.txt
python Runs the Python program
mv old.txt new.txt Renames a file from old.txt to new.txt. Also works for directories.
mv file.txt dir Moves a file to directory dir.
mv dir1 dir2 Moves dir1 to dir2 or renames if dir2 doesn’t exist.
cp old.txt new.txt Copy a file from old.txt to new.txt.
mkdir bag Creates a new directory called bag
pwd Prints the path to where you are in the filesystem
rm file.txt removes (deletes) the file file.txt
rm -d dir removes (deletes) the directory dir
rm -r dir recursively removes (deletes) the directory dir and all subdirectories and files within that directory. Be careful, this is a powerful tool!

[1] Deliverables #

⚡✨ Congrats on completing your adventure!

Once you’ve successfully completed the adventure be sure to fill out this Google form.

[2] Extensions #

Pick one of the following extensions to continue practicing!

Continue the Adventure #

Delve into the code and try and learn how the Terminal Adventure works. Can you add your own feature?

Some ideas include but are not limited to:

  • generating different sandwiches depending on the ingredients in the sandwich_maker directory
  • adding a new quest from the captain after eating the sandwich
  • writing more rooms into the ship for the user to explore
💻 Expand the current Terminal Adventure!

Expand your Turtle drawing from last class #

Change directories so that you are in the review lab from last class

cd ..
cd lab_turtle_review_yourgithubusername

💻 Return to and add features so that it now includes all of the CS concepts below:

  • Variables
  • Loops
  • Conditionals
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Functions with parameters

Vimtutor #

Want to feel like hacker by coding right in your terminal? Type this command in your terminal to launch a tutorial on how to use vim!
